One of my favorite Plaid albums, Tekkon Kinkreet is the soundtrack to an animated film. I recommend this movie to everyone.
1. This City 2. Rat's Step 3. This City Is Hell 4. Brothers Chase 5. Butterfly 6. Oasis 7. Beginnings 8. Snakeing 9. Open Kastle 10. Assassouts 11. Safety In Solitude 12. Where? 13. White's Dream 14. Japanese Title (Bonus Track) (Asian Kung-Fu Generation)
Innovation all around, D/L this mix if you like electronic music in the least.
Submerse - Everything Around Us [L2S Recordings] Synkro - Everybody Knows [Smokin Sessions] Clueless - Secret Love [forthcoming Night Audio] Sully - Phonebox [Frijsfo Beats] Whistla - What You Want [L2S Recordings] Sines - Love Becomes She [Untitled!] Submerse - Forgive Me [forthcoming Night Audio] Burial - Unite [Soul Jazz] Whistla - Steelface [L2S Recordings] Kanvas - Next [forthcoming on L2S Recordings] Duncan Powell - Care 4 Me (Whistla Remix) M2J - Blue Tone [L2S Recordings] Littlefoot - Alien Wet Dream [L2S Recordings] KingThing - Trapped [forthcoming on Night Audio] Naphta - Soundclash (Grievous Angel Remix) [forthcoming on Keysound]